Laparoscopy and Dye Test

Laparoscopy is generally regarded as being the gold standard for the assessment of pelvic health and for checking the patency of the fallopian tubes. This is part of the routine assessment of infertility. Tubal damage is the cause of infertility in about 15% of infertile couples.

The medical history and the findings on examination may strongly suggest a problem with the tubes. These may include a history of pelvic infections, major pelvic surgery causing scarring post-operatively, termination of pregnancy followed by an inability to become pregnant with partners of proven fertility or the finding of pelvic tenderness on examination.

If there is nothing to suggest a tubal problem, it may be reasonable, at least initially, to give your tubes the benefit of the doubt. If however all the other fertility screening tests on you and your partner turn out to be normal there is still going to be a question mark hanging over the health of your pelvis. A tubal patency test must now be performed.